Dealing With Overwhelm: 5 Practical Steps For A Happier You

dealing with overwhelm

Are you dealing with overwhelm?

Whether it’s the relentless demands of a busy career, the juggling act of family and personal responsibilities, or the ceaseless noise of the digital world, overwhelm can strike at any moment.

No matter your unique circumstance, know that it is completely normal to feel overwhelmed. The key is not to dwell in that place.

This article explores 5 practical steps that you can adopt on your journey to a happier you, even when dealing with overwhelm.


There are so many benefits to journaling and so many different ways to do it. For these purposes, I recommend stream-of-consciousness journaling. Just write what’s in your head. Let it all out, not in any particular order or format and without any rules. Allow what is in your head to find its way to paper (or your screen). Personally, I find that an instant benefit is that I can clear my head when my thoughts are jumbled and I’m not even sure why I feel overwhelmed. That also gives you a clear view of the different issues you are experiencing and puts you in a better place to tackle them.

dealing with overwhelm - journaling

To do this you want to be completely honest and transparent with yourself. If you don’t live alone, you may be concerned about privacy. You will just have to be intentional about storing your journal in a secure location that only you have access to. But if you want to be extra cautious, consider a journal with a lock if you need a little bit of extra confidence that your thoughts will remain secure.

Check out this article for ideas on other journaling techniques. Feel free to try different options (or a combination of several) until you find what works for you.


Sometimes it’s good to offload your issues to someone in a non-judgmental environment.

This doesn’t have to be a therapist, although I highly recommend it from my own experience. It can be a friend or family member you trust who can allow you to vent freely. I prefer a therapist because confidentiality is important to me and the security of knowing that this person is professionally bound not to disclose what I share makes me feel more free to vent exactly what I am struggling with. Also, a trained professional can usually help you navigate your issues and suggest or guide you into identifying practical solutions that may be what you need.

Whoever you decide, the act of just speaking can help you to process your feelings and relieve some of the pressure you might be experiencing.


dealing with overwhelm - exercise

You are probably tired of hearing about the benefits of exercise. If you are like me, you still struggle to exercise even though you know that it is very good for your physical and mental health. The idea here is to just get your body moving. It doesn’t have to be something high-intensity. Try a walk or some yoga, or play your favorite sport.

Research shows that some benefits of physical activity can be achieved immediately, such as reduced feelings of anxiety, reduced blood pressure, and improvements in sleep. I can definitely attest to this. I usually find that 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity clears my mind, improves my mood, and sets me up for a great day.

If you’re dealing with overwhelm, consider trying to make exercise a consistent habit. Not sure where to start? YouTube is a great resource for free access to various types of workouts. If you struggle with consistency, or you have no idea how to structure a routine to suit your personal goals, you should consider Co-Pilot.

I’ve been using Co-Pilot for over 8 months. I work out from the comfort of my home with a program created by a qualified personal trainer. Since I started Co-Pilot, this is the most consistent I have ever been with my exercise routine. Apparently, I’m not alone, as they advertise that 92% of their clients report consistency with exercise. If consistency is your issue, click here to give it a try free for 14 days and 50% off your first month.

Whatever you decide to do, just get moving.


Engaging in activities you genuinely enjoy can be a powerful antidote to feeling overwhelmed. Studies show that engaging in multiple types of leisure activities plays a role in buffering the negative psychological impact of stress. When we immerse ourselves in pursuits that bring us joy, whether it’s a hobby, a sport, art, or simply spending quality time with loved ones, we grant ourselves a precious gift: a break from the ceaseless demands of our daily lives. These moments of respite provide a mental and emotional reset, allowing us to recharge and gain perspective.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, use it as a sign to have some fun. Go to the movies, have a game night, or meet up with friends. Sometimes it helps to take your mind off the things that are overwhelming you and help you relax.


dealing with overwhelm - vacation

If you are feeling overwhelmed, you may just need a break. Research shows that vacations can have numerous beneficial effects including reducing exhaustion and burnout, increasing work engagement and increasing health, well-being, life satisfaction, and quality of life.

You will know what an ideal break is for your circumstances. Maybe it is a week from work or a few days outside the house. The good news is that there are significant restorative benefits no matter the length of the break!

A few tips to maximize the benefits of your vacation (no matter the length) include:

  1. Selecting an environment that allows you to feel removed from normal routines and obligations, while also feeling comfortable and safe;
  2. avoiding chaotic and overly busy environments;
  3. engaging in passive activities like resting, sleeping, sitting, and lying down; and
  4. intentionally detaching from work during the vacation.

The bottom line is, you don’t have to stay stuck dealing with overwhelm. Consistent application of these practical steps can have a benefit (sometimes immediate!) on your journey to a happier you. Try these options and let me know your experience.